If you looped the last two frames and made it a gif. that would kick ass.
If you looped the last two frames and made it a gif. that would kick ass.
I should do that.
P cool, but the music is too loud at some points, and I cant hear the dialogue sometimes. also please put the burger boy in episode 8 and let me voice him.
Who is burger boy :(
4 satars 4 sounding like silver the hedgehog:D
thanks a bunch! his VA is Jsaking1115 on youtube! please go check him out!
Eugine1a2b's Mario & Luigi animation kicks serious ass. how come all the RPGs get the coolest animations in this collab?
Lol no idea. There’s a lot of passionate RPG fans I think.
Thanks man! Much appreciated :)
This video saved my life (FROM SEVERE ANAL BLOCKAGE!!!!) it all started like this, I was playing sonic and the black night on my wii in my room, when I started to feel a pain in my stomach.I quickly ran towards the bathroom Dor while pulling my pants drown and sat on the toilet, BUT NOTHING CAME OUT!! D:< I was pushing and pushing and pushing but it just wouldn’t come out! I was moments away from calling my mom to help me with my butthole promblem, when I got a notification from the Newgrounds app! SONIC SHORTS VOLUME 1000990!!!!!:D just what I needed!! I booted up the Newgrounds app and started watching. Miraculously during the viewing experience all the stubborn poopy clogging up my butthole came out!! :D my parents couldn’t even yell at me for pooping again over the sound of my laughter!! I’m so glad this came out when it did, because I would certainly be dead otherwise. THANK YOU BACON FETISh AND ALL OThER COLLABERATORS FOR HELPING ME POOP!!! :)
this is so damn beautiful man..
I should hang this on my wall, then mummy will give me lots of kisses.
That was glorious
cool stuff :)
thank you!
this was pretty good but I really would have liked to see THE joeysworldtour come in and show "reviewbarf" how to REALLY DANCE!
That was planned to happen! However, the miniature reviewbrah ruined the entire routine! Well, there's always next year I guess!
WOAH really? my cartoon was supposed to end with the Bone Bumpkin and Cornrow Carl bonding over their shared fatherhood, but that would have made the cartoon three times as long.
l ea t u c e
Toe n ail
eso estuvo bueno
uhhhmm i was not expctepting him to just spinnnnnnn kinda dissapointed. edit: no i was just making a joke sorry.
Do you have an idea? Maybe I could use it to make another short animation.
This animation was me really just having fun since i was practicing doing turnarounds
i draw pictures and stuff :) ......................................................................................
....................................... >:(
Age 20, Male
furniture mover man
Joined on 6/3/20