why is this rated M?
why is this rated M?
I used a third party application to post and I forgot to manage the maturity settings.
Thanks for pointing it out.
you had me scared when you posted this, I thought maybe RWappin was dead or something.
Oh no RWappin did die after getting a papercut when he was trying to mail a letter to his evil twin
This comic is gonna give me a stroke.
Because he’s gonna
Friday night globin’
balls or tits?
Who’s the guy on the left? That doesn’t look like Hugh Neutron to me dude…
it's a fancy french man. a diet of snails, plus other various bugs/insects have given him peak culinary experience.
I own this print ad.
holy shit that's actually awesome
I like how it implies that I'm on the ground looking up at him.
You need to feed ur gf, give her a big sandwich or something.
thank you in this trying times, but I like her just the way she is!
what would their sis moves be?
i draw pictures and stuff :) ......................................................................................
....................................... >:(
Age 20, Male
furniture mover man
Joined on 6/3/20