i cant think of a funny comment :(
i cant think of a funny comment :(
You got too funny writing that comment on my 30 Fans news post and now you gotta recharge your batteries.
urrrrrmmmm....sonic doesn't have tan legs uhhhhhh.......
He does now
SomeApe i cant belive this
pretty gooooood.......
woah these are cute! what are they made out of?
I have done it with foamy, wire and some cardboard
he looks good :)
woah what type of brush did you use to get the black outlines?
I didn't use brushes for this one, I used acrylic markers. You can find them easily in a Walmart or something. I'm glad you like this : )
uhhh pretty keewull
the way that you make thumbnails for your art dumps is very very cool i like it alot haha :)
Thanks dude! I haven't seen anyone else on the NG art portal try this kind of delivery method for their art so I felt like I aught to.
I don't know if it helps or hinders the reach of my submissions but it feels apropriate for the kind of content that I produce. Typically when I make a post it's always a bunch of assorted garbage and not just one thing. So it seems to me like I probably should advertise the entire content of the post in the tumbnail.
HIGH speed
i draw pictures and stuff :) ......................................................................................
....................................... >:(
Age 20, Male
furniture mover man
Joined on 6/3/20